Running Horse Photography

In 1872, Eadweard Muybridge proved that horses actually leave the ground with all four feet when they’re in a full gallop. He did so by setting trip lines on a dozen cameras distanced apart for a galloping horse to run through, thus taking a dozen photographs sequencing the horse in stride.

Jump ahead about 151 years and you’ve got a girl who’s madly in love with horses and insanely obsessed with photography. Hello, my name is rebecca.

Deciding to become a photographer was a major life decision I had made so early in my life. I fell in love with showing others how I see the world. I choose to make art to portray these moments and details other people overlook.

Whether it is capturing the candid behavior of an individual or the freezing of action from competing athletes, I approach all my photographs the same: someone, if not myself, will want to remember this exact moment with these exact details. The essence of photography is taking a slice of life that will never be repeated again. I achieve with my work for all intents and purposes a preservation of this time.

Background & Experience

Becca graduated from MOntana state university with a Bachelor’s of art in photography, and a minor in entrepreneurship and small business management. her background and experience in photography dates back to her early teens, where she fell in love with analog photography. With the understanding of technical applications of camera functions, she knows her way around a camera. she has taught beginner's and intermediate photography classes, and welcomes any chance to help anyone learn their cameras inside and out! with over three years of experience in a professional lab printing large format, she comes well equipped with the knowledge to deliver exceptional photography to her clients.